Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bar Cart DIY: RE-vamped and RE-styled

So if anyone knows me...I love a good DIY. So when I ran across this vintage bar cart at the local thrift shop I was ecstatic....when I found out it was only $24 dollars you can about imagine how long it took me before I was running out the door with it in hand!! It was in perfect condition.... no dents or holes...just a little rust that would be gone in no time with some sanding. 
The first step that needed to be done was to dissemble the entire cart, which let me tell you, this took a lot more time than you would imagine... rusted in screws that have never been touched can be a major pain. Next, I sanded down all the rusty areas and then wiped it down with a wet rag. After, that I then used a Krylon satin white primer/paint to coat all the trays. When the trays where coated, we then used a Kyrlon gold metallic to spray  the silver hardware. Once it was all dry, it was reassembled and re-decorated... my favorite part! I've been on a huge white and gold kick lately, so it wasn't hard to find the perfect pieces to compliment this lovely vintage cart!

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